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Maui Alpaca Paniolo Picnic

Quick Details


ages 19+

$ 139


ages 1-18 yrs old

$ 99


ages under 1 yr


Enjoy a Delicious Maui Picnic at Our Alpaca farm in Hawaii!

The Maui Alpaca Paniolo Picnic includes a picnic style lunch in the alpaca pasture with your friends, a meet and greet the alpacas, and a visit to bunny village. Get up-close and personal while feeding them treats! An informative talk will be given about our alpaca farm in Hawaii and the work our alpacas do. A perfect idea for a unique picnic in Maui. Personalized and private. Book your Maui picnic with the alpacas online today!

Maui picnic lunch includes:

  • Sandwich selection, choose from: Vegetarian, Turkey, PBJ or Salad
  • Bag of Maui Chips
  • Cookie or apple
  • Water and lemonade